Спробувала це за допомогою моєї домашньої бібліотеки малюнків PPM . Це технічно масштабується, але я обмежений моєю рекурсивною функцією заповнення, тому що вона ненадійна і любить сегментація, я думаю, що вона використовує занадто багато пам'яті, тому я фактично не дозволяю користувачеві встановлювати масштаб. Зображення нерегулярне, тому що координати, які я вводив для кожного кута смуг, трохи відключені.

Я встановив це для початку з чорного тла, потім поклав біле коло посередині, потім червоні та сині кола в цьому. Використовувані рекурсивні заливки для додання решти червоного та синього кольорів. Потім намалювали прямокутники білими лініями, щоб позначити чорні смуги. Розділіть чорний фон на 4 секції білими лініями та використовуйте 4 рекурсивні заливки, щоб зробити кожну секцію білою. Виконання цього за 1 прохід призвело б до сегментації. Візуалізація все ще дуже повільна.
Основний код без вольфів (решта бібліотеки занадто велика, для гольфу це не має значення)
#include "PPMDraw.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(){
std::cout << "Drawing Korean Flag" << std::endl;
int scale = 150;
int width = 3 * scale;
int height = 2 * scale;
int xc = width/2;
int yc = height/2;
// coords for the bar corners
float nwax = -0.773; float nway = -0.813;
float nwbx = -0.707; float nwby = -0.773;
float nwcx = -1.000; float nwcy = -0.360;
float nwdx = -1.050; float nwdy = -0.400;
float nwex = -0.667; float nwey = -0.747;
float nwfx = -0.613; float nwfy = -0.693;
float nwgx = -0.880; float nwgy = -0.293;
float nwhx = -0.947; float nwhy = -0.333;
float nwix = -0.560; float nwiy = -0.667;
float nwjx = -0.507; float nwjy = -0.627;
float nwkx = -0.773; float nwky = -0.227;
float nwlx = -0.840; float nwly = -0.267;
float neax = 0.747; float neay = -0.813;
float nebx = 0.867; float neby = -0.627;
float necx = 0.813; float necy = -0.587;
float nedx = 0.680; float nedy = -0.773;
float neex = 0.893; float neey = -0.587;
float nefx = 1.030; float nefy = -0.400;
float negx = 0.960; float negy = -0.360;
float nehx = 0.840; float nehy = -0.547;
float neix = 0.640; float neiy = -0.747;
float nejx = 0.920; float nejy = -0.333;
float nekx = 0.853; float neky = -0.293;
float nelx = 0.587; float nely = -0.693;
float nemx = 0.533; float nemy = -0.667;
float nenx = 0.667; float neny = -0.493;
float neox = 0.600; float neoy = -0.440;
float nepx = 0.480; float nepy = -0.627;
float neqx = 0.693; float neqy = -0.440;
float nerx = 0.813; float nery = -0.267;
float nesx = 0.747; float nesy = -0.227;
float netx = 0.627; float nety = -0.400;
float swax = -0.773; float sway = 0.200;
float swbx = -0.507; float swby = 0.613;
float swcx = -0.560; float swcy = 0.653;
float swdx = -0.840; float swdy = 0.253;
float swex = -0.880; float swey = 0.280;
float swfx = -0.760; float swfy = 0.453;
float swgx = -0.813; float swgy = 0.493;
float swhx = -0.947; float swhy = 0.320;
float swix = -0.733; float swiy = 0.507;
float swjx = -0.613; float swjy = 0.680;
float swkx = -0.667; float swky = 0.720;
float swlx = -0.787; float swly = 0.547;
float swmx = -0.987; float swmy = 0.347;
float swnx = -0.707; float swny = 0.760;
float swox = -0.773; float swoy = 0.800;
float swpx = -1.053; float swpy = 0.387;
float seax = 0.747; float seay = 0.200;
float sebx = 0.813; float seby = 0.253;
float secx = 0.693; float secy = 0.427;
float sedx = 0.627; float sedy = 0.387;
float seex = 0.853; float seey = 0.280;
float sefx = 0.920; float sefy = 0.320;
float segx = 0.800; float segy = 0.507;
float sehx = 0.733; float sehy = 0.453;
float seix = 0.960; float seiy = 0.347;
float sejx = 1.036; float sejy = 0.387;
float sekx = 0.893; float seky = 0.573;
float selx = 0.840; float sely = 0.520;
float semx = 0.600; float semy = 0.427;
float senx = 0.667; float seny = 0.467;
float seox = 0.547; float seoy = 0.653;
float sepx = 0.480; float sepy = 0.613;
float seqx = 0.707; float seqy = 0.493;
float serx = 0.773; float sery = 0.547;
float sesx = 0.640; float sesy = 0.733;
float setx = 0.547; float sety = 0.680;
float seux = 0.813; float seuy = 0.573;
float sevx = 0.880; float sevy = 0.613;
float sewx = 0.747; float sewy = 0.800;
float sexx = 0.693; float sexy = 0.747;
PPMDraw flag = PPMDraw(width, height);
flag.fill(0, 0, 0);
// draw white circle in middle
flag.set_color(255, 255, 255);
flag.draw_fill_circle(xc, yc, scale/2);
// draw red and blue portions of circle
flag.set_color(255, 0, 0);
flag.draw_fill_circle(xc - .21*scale, yc - .14*scale, scale/3.9);
flag.set_color(0, 0, 255);
flag.draw_fill_circle(xc + .21*scale, yc + .14*scale, scale/3.9);
flag.set_color(255, 0, 0);
flag.recursive_fill(xc + .21*scale, yc - .21*scale);
flag.set_color(0, 0, 255);
flag.recursive_fill(xc - .21*scale, yc + .21*scale);
// draw the northwest bars
flag.set_color(255, 255, 255);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwax*scale, yc + nway*scale, xc + nwbx*scale, yc + nwby*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwax*scale, yc + nway*scale, xc + nwdx*scale, yc + nwdy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwbx*scale, yc + nwby*scale, xc + nwcx*scale, yc + nwcy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwcx*scale, yc + nwcy*scale, xc + nwdx*scale, yc + nwdy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwex*scale, yc + nwey*scale, xc + nwfx*scale, yc + nwfy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwex*scale, yc + nwey*scale, xc + nwhx*scale, yc + nwhy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwfx*scale, yc + nwfy*scale, xc + nwgx*scale, yc + nwgy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwhx*scale, yc + nwhy*scale, xc + nwgx*scale, yc + nwgy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwix*scale, yc + nwiy*scale, xc + nwjx*scale, yc + nwjy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwix*scale, yc + nwiy*scale, xc + nwlx*scale, yc + nwly*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwjx*scale, yc + nwjy*scale, xc + nwkx*scale, yc + nwky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nwlx*scale, yc + nwly*scale, xc + nwkx*scale, yc + nwky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neax*scale, yc + neay*scale, xc + nebx*scale, yc + neby*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neax*scale, yc + neay*scale, xc + nedx*scale, yc + nedy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nebx*scale, yc + neby*scale, xc + necx*scale, yc + necy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + necx*scale, yc + necy*scale, xc + nedx*scale, yc + nedy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neex*scale, yc + neey*scale, xc + nefx*scale, yc + nefy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neex*scale, yc + neey*scale, xc + nehx*scale, yc + nehy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nefx*scale, yc + nefy*scale, xc + negx*scale, yc + negy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nehx*scale, yc + nehy*scale, xc + negx*scale, yc + negy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neix*scale, yc + neiy*scale, xc + nejx*scale, yc + nejy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neix*scale, yc + neiy*scale, xc + nelx*scale, yc + nely*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nejx*scale, yc + nejy*scale, xc + nekx*scale, yc + neky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nelx*scale, yc + nely*scale, xc + nekx*scale, yc + neky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nemx*scale, yc + nemy*scale, xc + nenx*scale, yc + neny*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nemx*scale, yc + nemy*scale, xc + nepx*scale, yc + nepy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nepx*scale, yc + nepy*scale, xc + neox*scale, yc + neoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nenx*scale, yc + neny*scale, xc + neox*scale, yc + neoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neqx*scale, yc + neqy*scale, xc + nerx*scale, yc + nery*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + neqx*scale, yc + neqy*scale, xc + netx*scale, yc + nety*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + nerx*scale, yc + nery*scale, xc + nesx*scale, yc + nesy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + netx*scale, yc + nety*scale, xc + nesx*scale, yc + nesy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swax*scale, yc + sway*scale, xc + swbx*scale, yc + swby*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swax*scale, yc + sway*scale, xc + swdx*scale, yc + swdy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swbx*scale, yc + swby*scale, xc + swcx*scale, yc + swcy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swcx*scale, yc + swcy*scale, xc + swdx*scale, yc + swdy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swex*scale, yc + swey*scale, xc + swfx*scale, yc + swfy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swex*scale, yc + swey*scale, xc + swhx*scale, yc + swhy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swfx*scale, yc + swfy*scale, xc + swgx*scale, yc + swgy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swhx*scale, yc + swhy*scale, xc + swgx*scale, yc + swgy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swix*scale, yc + swiy*scale, xc + swjx*scale, yc + swjy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swix*scale, yc + swiy*scale, xc + swlx*scale, yc + swly*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swjx*scale, yc + swjy*scale, xc + swkx*scale, yc + swky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swlx*scale, yc + swly*scale, xc + swkx*scale, yc + swky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swmx*scale, yc + swmy*scale, xc + swnx*scale, yc + swny*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swmx*scale, yc + swmy*scale, xc + swpx*scale, yc + swpy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swpx*scale, yc + swpy*scale, xc + swox*scale, yc + swoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + swnx*scale, yc + swny*scale, xc + swox*scale, yc + swoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seax*scale, yc + seay*scale, xc + sebx*scale, yc + seby*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seax*scale, yc + seay*scale, xc + sedx*scale, yc + sedy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sebx*scale, yc + seby*scale, xc + secx*scale, yc + secy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + secx*scale, yc + secy*scale, xc + sedx*scale, yc + sedy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seex*scale, yc + seey*scale, xc + sefx*scale, yc + sefy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seex*scale, yc + seey*scale, xc + sehx*scale, yc + sehy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sefx*scale, yc + sefy*scale, xc + segx*scale, yc + segy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sehx*scale, yc + sehy*scale, xc + segx*scale, yc + segy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seix*scale, yc + seiy*scale, xc + sejx*scale, yc + sejy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seix*scale, yc + seiy*scale, xc + selx*scale, yc + sely*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sejx*scale, yc + sejy*scale, xc + sekx*scale, yc + seky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + selx*scale, yc + sely*scale, xc + sekx*scale, yc + seky*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + semx*scale, yc + semy*scale, xc + senx*scale, yc + seny*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + semx*scale, yc + semy*scale, xc + sepx*scale, yc + sepy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sepx*scale, yc + sepy*scale, xc + seox*scale, yc + seoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + senx*scale, yc + seny*scale, xc + seox*scale, yc + seoy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seqx*scale, yc + seqy*scale, xc + serx*scale, yc + sery*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seqx*scale, yc + seqy*scale, xc + setx*scale, yc + sety*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + serx*scale, yc + sery*scale, xc + sesx*scale, yc + sesy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + setx*scale, yc + sety*scale, xc + sesx*scale, yc + sesy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seux*scale, yc + seuy*scale, xc + sevx*scale, yc + sevy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + seux*scale, yc + seuy*scale, xc + sexx*scale, yc + sexy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sevx*scale, yc + sevy*scale, xc + sewx*scale, yc + sewy*scale);
flag.draw_line(xc + sexx*scale, yc + sexy*scale, xc + sewx*scale, yc + sewy*scale);
// fill in the black to white
flag.draw_line(xc, yc - scale/2, xc, 0);
flag.draw_line(xc, yc + scale/2, xc, height);
flag.draw_line(xc - scale/2, yc, 0, yc);
flag.draw_line(xc + scale/2, yc, width, yc);
flag.recursive_fill(0, 0);
flag.recursive_fill(0, height-1);
flag.recursive_fill(width - 1, 0);
flag.recursive_fill(width - 1, height - 1);