Leyland Numbers


З огляду на натуральне число n, поверніть n-ме число Лейленда .

Номер Лейленда

Числа Лейленда - це натуральні числа kформи

k = x^y + y^x

Де x,yцілі числа строго більші за 1.

Вони перераховуються у порядку зростання.

EDIT: @DigitalTrauma запропонував включити таке "визначення":

Уявіть, що ми кидаємо x^y+y^xв мішок для всіх можливих значень xта y, а також уникаємо кидання в дублікати. Потім сортуємо цей мішок. Відсортований мішок - наша послідовність.


Ви можете використовувати індексацію на основі 0 або 1, що підходить вам найкраще.

Ваша програма повинна вміти виводити принаймні всі числа Лейленда менше, ніж максимум підписаних 32-бітних цілих чисел. (Останнє число Лейленда нижче цієї межі - 1996813914в індексі 82.)

Тестові справи

Перші кілька термінів наступні:

8, 17, 32, 54, 57, 100, 145, 177, 320, 368, 512, 593, 945, 1124

A076980 в OEIS, за винятком першого запису. Зауважте, що завдяки цьому додатковому першому запису показники ОЕІС зміщуються на одиницю.

Більше можна знайти в b-файлі OEIS

They are enumerated in ascending orderЯ не дуже впевнений, що це означає. Чи можете ви надати список x і y?

@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Це означає, що 8раніше 17, а не навпаки.
Leaky Nun

@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Уявіть, що ми кидаємо x^y+y^xв мішок для всіх можливих значень xта y, а також уникати того, щоб викидати їх у дублікати. Потім сортуємо цей мішок. Відсортований мішок - наша послідовність.

Дуже велика сумка у вас там
Луїс Мендо

@LuisMendo Запитайте @ HenriLéonLebesgue, і він збирається сказати вам, що цей мішок - це взагалі нічого.



MATL , 16 15 13 байт


Результат 1-базований.

Спробуйте в Інтернеті!


Q    % Take input n. Add 1
:Q   % Range [2 ... n+1]. This is enough to be used as x and y
t!   % Duplicate and transpose
^    % Power, element-wise with broadcast. Gives 2D, square array with x^y
     % for all pairs of x and y
t!   % Duplicate and transpose. Gives square array with y^x
+    % Add, element-wise
u    % Keep unique elements. This linearizes (flattens) the 2D array
S    % Sort
G)   % Get the n-th entry. Implicitly display

У Matlab uniqueсортує елементи. Чи не так це і в MATL?

@pajonk MATL використовує 'stable'прапор uniqueза замовчуванням, оскільки це більш типове використання.

@Suever Добре, дякую за уточнення.

Я відчуваю , що ми використовуємо t!^(де ^можна замінити +, -або будь-яку кількість операторів) мотив багато. Що робити, якщо ми зробили &середній вхід для деяких з тих, де для вектора він має таку поведінку?

@Suever Це чудова ідея! Я провів кілька досліджень з вашим сценарієм; дивіться в чаті
Луїс Мендо


Haskell, 52 байти

([k|k<-[0..],elem k[x^y+y^x|x<-r,y<-r]]!!)

Дійсно неефективно. Випробовує кожне натуральне число на наявність числа Лейленда, складаючи нескінченний список тих, що є. Даний вхід, бере цей індексний елемент списку. Використовує тільки цеx,y 31, щоб перевірити наявність 32-бітових цілих чисел.

Довжина filter:


Назад, таке очевидне рішення, мені це дуже подобається!


Java 8, 225 221 219 216 206 204 193 192 байт

import java.util.*;n->{List<Long>t=new Stack();for(long i=1,j,s;++i<30;)for(j=1;++j<30;){s=(int)(Math.pow(i,j)+Math.pow(j,i));if(!t.contains(s))t.add(s);}Collections.sort(t);return t.get(n);}


-2 байт (221 → 219) , збережені шляхом заміни 1996813915з (1L<<31)завдяки @LeakyNun .
-3 байт (219 → 216) завдяки @LeakyNun і @Frozn з чим - то я забув себе ..
-10 байт (216 → 206) шляхом зміни Java 7 до 8.
-2 байтів (206 → 204) шляхом заміни ArrayListз Vectorзавдяки @TAsk .
-11 байт (204 → 193), видаляючи s<(1L<<31)&, оскільки в питанні зазначено " принаймні всі числа Лейленда менше, ніж максимум підписаних 32-бітових цілих чисел ".
-1 байт (193 → 192) шляхом зміниVector на Stack.


Спробуйте тут

import java.util.*;            // Required import for Stack
n->{                           // Method with integer parameter and long return-type
  List<Long>t=new Stack();     //  Temp list
  for(long i=1,j,s;++i<30;)    //  Loop (1) from 2 to 30 (exclusive)
    for(j=1;++j<30;){          //   Inner loop (2) from 2 to 30 (exclusive)
      s=(int)(                 //    `s` is:
         Math.pow(i,j)+Math.pow(j,i)); // i^j + j^i
      if(!t.contains(s))       //     If `s` is not already part of the List
        t.add(s);              //      Add it to the List
    }                          //   End of inner loop (2)
                               //  End of loop (1) (implicit / single-line body)
  Collections.sort(t);         //  Order the List
  return t.get(n);             //  Return the item at the given index
}                              // End of method

10/10 for using java
Leaky Nun

Since you only need to support up to 2^31-1 (i.e., signed int), can't you swap out a bunch of the long casts?

Quick golfs: import java.util.*;long c(int n){List<Long>t=new ArrayList();for(int i=2,j;i<25;i++)for(j=2;j<25;j++){long s=(long)(Math.pow(i,j)+Math.pow(j,i));if(s<(1L<<31)&!t.contains(s))t.add(s);}Collections.sort(t);return t.get(n);}
Leaky Nun

The for loop variable declaration.
Leaky Nun

How about for (int i = 1, j; ++i < 30;) and for (j = 1; ++j < 30;)


Pyth, 17 bytes



Try it online! (Please, keep it at 100.)

How it works

@{Sms^M_Bd^}2+2Q2Q  implicit filling. Input:Q

           }2+2Q    Yield the array [2,3,4,...,Q+2]
          ^     2   Cartesian square: yield all the
                    pairs formed by the above array.
   m     d          Map the following to all of those pairs (e.g. [2,3]):
       _B               Create [[2,3],[3,2]]
     ^M                 Reduce by exponent to each array:
                        create [8,9]
    s                   Sum:   17     (Leyland number generated)
  S                 Sort the generated numbers
 {                  Remove duplicate
@                Q  Find the Q-th element.

Slower version



Try it online! (Please, keep it at 3.)

Would it help to create an array of powers [[4,8,...][9,27,...]] and add it to its transpose?

@Neil I don't think so. It would be helpful in Jelly, but not in Pyth. Pyth does not automatically vectorize.
Leaky Nun

Also helps in MATL, it seems.

Why do you keep the slower version?
Erik the Outgolfer


05AB1E, 20 19 bytes




ÝÌ                     # range(2,N+2)
  2ã                   # get all pairs of numbers in the range
    v                  # for each pair
     yÂ`ms`m+          # push x^y+y^x
             }         # end loop
              ){Ù      # wrap to list, sort and remove duplicates
                 ¹è    # get Nth element of list

Try it online

Saved 1 byte thanks to @Adnan

Very nice! One tip, ÝÌ is short for >L>.

@Adnan: Thanks! I can't belive I didn't think of that :P

ê is sorted_uniquified, if that existed when this was asked.
Magic Octopus Urn

@carusocomputing: It was bugged until quite recently I'm afraid.


Mathematica, 60 48 40 bytes


Uses one-based indexing. Union is used by applying it between each row of the 2D matrix created by the Array. There, Union will flatten the 2D matrix into a list while also removing any duplicates and placing the values in sorted order.

Saved 8 bytes thanks to @LLlAMnYP.



{#+1,#+1} isn't necessary, can be left as {#,#} and {2,2} can be replaced with simply 2.

@LLlAMnYP Thanks! Didn't know that Array would expand the third argument.

Neither did I but I decided to try it anyway and it worked :)


Jelly, 14 bytes

2 bytes thanks to Dennis.


Try it online! (Takes ~ 1s for 82 for me) (O(n^2) time)

Original 16-byte answer


Try it online! (Takes < 1s for me) (Constant time)

R‘*€¹$+Z$FṢQị@ is faster, shorter and has no artificial upper bound.

@Dennis and beats my answer :-P
Luis Mendo

@Dennis I don't get it. How come it is faster than the second one.
Leaky Nun

It isn't faster than the second one. The execution time is too short to get an accurate measurement.

Now 13 bytes :-P
Luis Mendo


Bash + GNU utilities, 63

printf %s\\n x={2..32}\;y={2..32}\;x^y+y^x|bc|sort -nu|sed $1!d

1-based indexing. It looks like this is pretty much the same approach as @TimmyD's answer. Instead of nested loops, bash brace expansion is used to generate arithmetic expressions that are piped to bc for evaluation.



Perl 6,  60 58  56 bytes

{sort(keys bag [X[&({$^a**$^b+$b**$a})]] (2..$_+2)xx 2)[$_]}
{sort(keys set [X[&({$^a**$^b+$b**$a})]] (2..$_+2)xx 2)[$_]}
{sort(unique [X[&({$^a**$^b+$b**$a})]] (2..$_+2)xx 2)[$_]}
{squish(sort [X[&({$^a**$^b+$b**$a})]] (2..$_+2)xx 2)[$_]}
{squish(sort [X[&({$^a**$^b+$b**$a})]] (2..31)xx 2)[$_]}
{squish(sort [X[&({$^a**$^b+$b**$a})]] 2..31,2..31)[$_]}


#! /usr/bin/env perl6
use v6.c;

my &Leyland = {squish(sort [X[&({$^a**$^b+$b**$a})]] 2..31,2..31)[$_]}

say ^14 .map: &Leyland;
time-this {Leyland 81};

sub time-this (&code) {
  my $start = now;
  my $value = code();
  printf "takes %.3f seconds to come up with $value\n", now - $start;
(8 17 32 54 57 100 145 177 320 368 512 593 945 1124)
takes 0.107 seconds to come up with 1996813914


  squish( # remove repeated values
      [X[&( # cross reduce with:
        { $^a ** $^b + $b ** $a }
        ( 2 .. $_+2 ) # 「Range.new(2,$_+2)」 (inclusive range)
        xx 2          # repeat list

Can't you remove the spaces between sort [ and ] 2..31?
Erik the Outgolfer

@EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ That would turn it from a subroutine call sort([... to an array access of a term sort[.... A similar thing happens with the other space.
Brad Gilbert b2gills


F#, 117, 104

Welp, it's shorter than my C# answer at least.

Saved 13 bytes thanks to Reed Copsey in the F# chatroom.

let f n=[for x in 2I..32I do for y in 2I..32I->x**(int y)+y**(int x)]|>Seq.sort|>Seq.distinct|>Seq.nth n


PowerShell v2+, 84 73 68 bytes


Saved 11 bytes thanks to @Neil ... saved additional 5 bytes by reorganizing how the iex expression is evaluated.

Naïve method, we simply double-for loop from x=2..30 and y=2..x. Each loop we put x^y + y^x on the pipeline. The 30 was chosen experimentally to ensure that we covered all cases less than 2^31-1 ;-). We pipe those to Sort-Object to order them ascending. Output is zero-indexed based on the input $args[0].

Yes, there are a lot of extraneous entries generated here -- this algorithm actually generates 435 Leyland numbers -- but things above index 81 are not guaranteed to be accurate and in order (there may be some that are skipped).


PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> .\leyland-numbers.ps1 54

PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> .\leyland-numbers.ps1 33

PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> .\leyland-numbers.ps1 77


R, 58 54 bytes

1-indexed. Eliminated 4 bytes by using pryr::r instead of function.



For all numbers from 2 to 99, and 2 to 9,


apply the function x^y+y^x. This generates a 98x8 matrix.


Sort this matrix (coercing it to a vector):


Remove all non-unique values:


Read n from stdin, and fetch the nth number from the list:



JavaScript (Firefox 42-57), 94 bytes

n=>[for(x of Array(32).keys())for(y of Array(x+1).keys())if(y>1)x**y+y**x].sort((x,y)=>x-y)[n]

Needs Firefox 42 because it uses both array comprehensions and exponentiation ([for(..of..)] and **).

Shouldn't you just mark it as ES7?

@mbomb007 I don't think [for...of] made it to ES7.

No, that's for(..of..), not [for(..of..)].


Haskell, 99 98 96 95 94 bytes

It is probably easily outgolfed, but that was the best I was able to come up with.

import Data.List
f n|n<2=[]|n>1=sort.nub$f(n-1)++[x^n+n^x|x<-[2..n]]
g n=(f.toInteger$n+3)!!n

import Data.List f n|w<-[2..toEnum$n+3]=(sort$nub[x^y+y^x|x<-w,y<-w])!!n Do you know why toInteger/toEnum is needed?

Wow, this is crazy=) Feel free to add it as your own answer, as it is qutie different from mine! If we omit toInteger in my solution we'll have an overflow using int, because we iterate way higher (to n+3 instead of n) when working with the list. Otherwise we'd need to hardcode the first four terms or so. What exactly does toEnum do in your solution?

OK, that's because of (!!) operator which binds n to an Int. Since n is supposed to be under 82, w can be replaced by [2..99] for example and f=(sort(nub[x^y+y^x|x<-[2..99],y<-[2..x]])!!) . toEnum converts an Int to an Enum, and Integer is an instance of Enum class so toEnum here converts n+3 to an Integer.


C#, 141, 127 bytes.

Oh c#, you are such a long language.

n=>(from x in Enumerable.Range(2,32)from y in Enumerable.Range(2,32)select Math.Pow(x,y)+Math.Pow(y,x)).Distinct().ToList()[n];

This is a lambda that needs to be assigned to delegate double del(int n); to be run, as such:

delegate double del(int n);
del f=n=>(from x in Enumerable.Range(2,32)from y in Enumerable.Range(2,32)select Math.Pow(x,y)+Math.Pow(y,x)).OrderBy(q=>q).Distinct().ToList()[n];

Still shorter than Java.

@flawr Wooooooo?
Morgan Thrapp

I know nothing about C#, but couldn't you save Enumerable.Range( to a variable/function/iterator/whatever with a shorter name for reuisng?

I could, but then I would need to include a class and type defs, which ends up costing me a ton.
Morgan Thrapp


SQL (PostgreSQL 9.4), 171 bytes

Done as a prepared statement. Generate a couple of series 2 - 99, cross join them and do the equation. Densely rank the results to index them and select the first result that has the rank of the integer input.

prepare l(int)as select s from(select dense_rank()over(order by s)r,s from(select x^y+y^x from generate_series(2,99)x(x),generate_series(2,99)y(y))c(s))d where r=$1limit 1

Executed as follows

execute l(82)

This ended up running a lot quicker than I expected


J, 29 bytes


Uses one-based indexing. Conversion from my Mathematica solution.

The true secret here is that I have :(^+^~) on my side.


   f =: <:{[:/:~@~.@,[:(^+^~)"0/~2+i.
   f 7
   (,.f"0) >: i. 10  NB. Extra commands for formatting
 1   8
 2  17
 3  32
 4  54
 5  57
 6 100
 7 145
 8 177
 9 320
10 368


<:{[:/:~@~.@,[:(^+^~)"0/~2+i.  Input: n
                         2+i.  Step one
                     "0/~      Step two
              :(^+^~)          ???
<:{[:/:~@~.@,[                 Profit

More seriously,

<:{[:/:~@~.@,[:(^+^~)"0/~2+i.  Input: n
                           i.  Create the range [0, 1, ..., n-1]
                         2+    Add 2 to each
               (^+^~)"0        Create a dyad (2 argument function) with inputs x, y
                               and returns x^y + y^x
             [:        /~      Use that function to create a table using the previous range
   [:       ,                  Flatten the table into a list
         ~.@                   Take its distinct values only
     /:~@                      Sort it in ascending order
<:                             Decrement n (since J is zero-indexed)
  {                            Select the value at index n-1 from the list and return

... Profit :D


Swift 3, 138 bytes

import Glibc;func l(n:Int)->Int{let r=stride(from:2.0,to:50,by:1);return Int(Set(r.flatMap{x in r.map{pow(x,$0)+pow($0,x)}}).sorted()[n])}

Ungolfed code

Try it here

import Glibc
func l(n: Int) -> Int {
    // Create a Double sequence from 2 to 50 (because pow requires Double)
    let r = stride(from: 2.0, to: 50.0, by: 1.0)

    return Int(Set(r.flatMap {
        x in r.map {
            pow(x, $0) + pow($0, x)

Welcome to Programming Puzzles and Code Golf! Nice first answer, but it'd be better if you could explain what's going on.


Axiom 148 bytes

w(n)==(v:List INT:=[];for i in 2..31 repeat for j in i..31 repeat(a:=i^j+j^i;if a>1996813914 then break;v:=cons(a,v));v:=sort v;~index?(n,v)=>0;v.n)

some example

 v:List INT:=[];for i in 2..31 repeat for j in i..31 repeat
        (a:=i^j+j^i;if a>1996813914 then break;v:=cons(a,v));v:=sort v;~index?(n,v)=>0
 (2) -> [w(i)  for i in 0..85]
    Compiling function w with type NonNegativeInteger -> Integer

    [0, 8, 17, 32, 54, 57, 100, 145, 177, 320, 368, 512, 593, 945, 1124, 1649,
     2169, 2530, 4240, 5392, 6250, 7073, 8361, 16580, 18785, 20412, 23401,
     32993, 60049, 65792, 69632, 93312, 94932, 131361, 178478, 262468, 268705,
     397585, 423393, 524649, 533169, 1048976, 1058576, 1596520, 1647086,
     1941760, 2012174, 2097593, 4194788, 4208945, 4785713, 7861953, 8389137,
     9865625, 10609137, 14352282, 16777792, 16797952, 33554432, 33555057,
     43050817, 45136576, 48989176, 61466176, 67109540, 67137425, 129145076,
     134218457, 177264449, 244389457, 268436240, 268473872, 292475249,
     364568617, 387426321, 536871753, 774840978, 1073742724, 1073792449,
     1162268326, 1173741824, 1221074418, 1996813914, 0, 0, 0]

Type: List Integer


J, 38 31 bytes




>> f =: ((#~~:)/:~,/(+|:)^/~2+i.29x){~[
>> f 81
<< 1996813914


Java, 200 197 bytes


n->{long[]t=new long[999];for(int i=1,j;++i<31;)for(j=1;j++<i;)t[i*31+j]=(long)(Math.pow(i,j)+Math.pow(j,i));return java.util.Arrays.stream(t).sorted().distinct().skip(n+1).findAny().getAsLong();};

Looks like java's streams can actually save bytes! Who would've thought?!


package pcg;

import java.util.function.IntToLongFunction;

public class Pcg82981 {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    IntToLongFunction f = (n) -> {
      long[] t = new long[999];
      for (int i = 1; ++i < 31; ) {
        for (int j = 1; j++ < i; ) {
          t[i * 31 + j] = (long) (Math.pow(i, j) + Math.pow(j, i));
      return java.util.Arrays.stream(t)
          .skip(n + 1) // We don't care about 0.
          .findAny()   // equivalent to `findFirst`

    for (int i = 0; i < 82; i++) {



  1. 200 -> 197 : removed space after long[] and removed parenthesis around n.


Python 3, 129->116 bytes

I know there is a shorter python 3 answer, but I still wanted to contribute my solution.

for k in range(100):a,b,q=k//10,k%10,a**b+b**a;f=lambda q:0if q in t else t.append(q);f(q)

This was the best way that I could to think of to handle going through all values for x and all values for y. If anyone can golf my approach it would be appreciated

Make t a set instead of a list, and replace the last for statements with a plain t.add(q).
Cristian Ciupitu


Japt -g, 15 bytes

g2ôU ïÈ**Y+pXÃü

Try it

g2ôU ïÈ**Y+pXÃü
                    :Implicit input of integer U
g                   :Index into the following array
 2ôU                :  Range [2,U+2]
     ï              :  Cartesian product with itself
      È             :  Reduce each pair [X,Y]
       **Y          :    Raise X to the power of Y
          +pX       :    Add Y raised to the power of X
             Ã      :  End reduce
              ü     :  Sort & partition by value
                    :Implicit output of first element
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