Цей скрипт PHP був натхненний необхідністю зробити те саме, що і оригінальне запитання, де сервери, на яких розглядаються, працювали з різною версією MariaDB. Оскільки це PHP, він повинен працювати на будь-якій платформі, що підтримує PHP (версія 7.3 або вище).
// You will want to modify the 4 variables below for your environment
$dbuser = 'root'; // DB user with authority to SHOW GRANTS from mysql.user
$dbpassword = 'blahblah'; // password for the DB user
$useroutfile = '/temp/Users.sql'; // where to write the user file that may be imported on new server
$grantoutfile = '/temp/Grants.sql'; // where to write the grant file that may be imported on new server
$ignore_users = ['root','replication_user']; // array of users that should NOT be exported
// There really should not be any reason to modify anything below this comment
// but please do browse through it and understand what is being done
$dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;charset=utf8mb4';
try {
$ourdb = new PDO ($dsn,$dbuser,$dbpassword,$opt);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
error_log($e); // log the error so it may be looked at later if necessary
echo 'Could not connect to the SQL server';
} // end of the try/catch block
$notuser = implode(',',array_map('add_quotes',$ignore_users));
// We got connected to the database so now let's make sure we can open the
// output files for writing - note that using mode w will overwrite any
// existing files so we'll always start off cleanly
$userout = fopen($useroutfile,'w');
if ($userout === false) { // could not open the output file for writing for some reason
error_log('Could not open the output file for writing (' . $useroutfile . ')');
} // end of if we could not open the output file for writing
$grantout = fopen($grantoutfile,'w');
if ($grantout === false) { // could not open the output file for writing for some reason
error_log('Could not open the output file for writing (' . $grantout . ')');
} // end of if we could not open the output file for writing
$Query = $ourdb->query("
SELECT CONCAT('SHOW GRANTS FOR ''', user, '''@''', host, ''';') AS query
FROM mysql.user
WHERE user NOT IN(" . implode(',',array_map('add_quotes',$ignore_users)) . ")
$users = $Query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
foreach ($users as $GrantQ) { // go through each of the users found
$UserQ = $ourdb->query("$GrantQ"); // retrieve the grants for a user
$grants = $UserQ->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
foreach ($grants as $grant) { // go through each of the grants found for this user
if (stripos($grant,'IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD') === false) {
fwrite($grantout,$grant . ';' . PHP_EOL); // write the command to actually do the grant
} else {
fwrite($userout,$grant . ';' . PHP_EOL); // write the command to actually do the grant
} // end of foreach through the grants found
} // end of foreach through the queries to show the grants for each user
fwrite($userout ,'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;' . PHP_EOL); // make sure SQL knows about the new users and privileges
fwrite($grantout,'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;' . PHP_EOL); // make sure SQL knows about the new users and privileges
fclose($userout); // close our output file
fclose($grantout); // close our output file
echo 'The grants for ' . count($users) . ' users were written to ' . $useroutfile . PHP_EOL;
function add_quotes($str) {return sprintf("'%s'", $str);}