Взагалі кажучи, ви не можете контролювати заливку, оскільки це має відбутися. Найкращий запобіжний захід, який ви можете вжити, - регулярно чистити / доглядати собаку, щоб забезпечити видалення старої шерсті.
Для собак, які отримують сезонні шуби, важливо частіше їх доглядати під час появи нової шуби. Для собак, які постійно гнають (як ваші ретривери), це вже тривала справа.
However, if you think your dog is shedding more than he should, examining his diet might be helpful as high quality food are important for a health coat. His regular food should consist of high quality proteins.
Additionally, you can try to supplement his diet with a fatty acid supplement. They sell DHA pills for dogs, but my vet also suggested just giving him human DHA pills (which are cheaper) and just cutting the dosage. We just cut open the gel caps and squeeze a little on his food for meal times. But before you start giving him supplements because you think something is wrong, it is recommended you have a vet check him out first.
And if it is just a matter of keeping the clean house, covering the furniture is the only remedy there.