title: "Are you sure?",
text: "You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!",
type: "warning",
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55",
confirmButtonText: "Yes, delete it!",
closeOnConfirm: false
if(isConfirmed) {
swal("Deleted!", "Your imaginary file has been deleted.", "success");
html { zoom: 0.7 } /* little "hack" to make example visible in stackoverflow snippet preview */
body > p { font-size: 32px }
.delete { cursor: pointer; color: #00A }
.isDeleted { text-decoration:line-through }
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://t4t5.github.io/sweetalert/dist/sweetalert-dev.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://t4t5.github.io/sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.css">
<p class="file">File 1 <span class="delete">(delete)</span></p>