Ця відповідь дасть уявлення про те, що відбувається, що призводить до сингулярної матриці коваріації під час встановлення GMM до набору даних, чому це відбувається, а також що ми можемо зробити, щоб цього не допустити.
Тому ми найкраще починаємо з рекапітуляції кроків під час встановлення моделі Гауссової суміші до набору даних.
μcΣcπc на кластер c
- Обчисліть для кожної точки даних ймовірність r i c, що точка x ixiricxi
деN(xric=πcN(xi | μc,Σc)ΣKk=1πkN(xi | μk,Σk)
N(x | μ,Σ)
N(xi,μc,Σc) = 1(2π)n2|Σc|12exp(−12(xi−μc)TΣ−1c(xi−μc))
ricxiProbability that xi belongs to class cProbability of xi over all classesxiric
mc = Σiric
πc = mcm
мкc = 1 мcΣiri cхi
Σc = 1 мcΣiri c( хi- мкc)Т( хi- мкc)
l n p ( X | π,μ,Σ)= Σ Ni = 1 l n ( ΣКk = 1πкN( хi | мк к, Σк) )
Отже, тепер ми отримали одиничні етапи під час обчислення, і ми повинні врахувати, що означає матриця сингулярною. Матриця є сингулярною, якщо вона не обернена. Матриця є незворотною, якщо є матрицяХ такий як А X= XА = я. If this is not given, the matrix is said to be singular. That is, a matrix like:
is not invertible and following singular. It is also plausible, that if we assume that the above matrix is matrix
A there could not be a matrix
X which gives dotted with this matrix the identity matrix
I (Simply take this zero matrix and dot-product it with any other 2x2 matrix and you will see that you will always get the zero matrix). But why is this a problem for us? Well, consider the formula for the multivariate normal above. There you would find
Σ−1c which is the invertible of the covariance matrix. Since a singular matrix is not invertible, this will throw us an error during the computation.
So now that we know how a singular, not invertible matrix looks like and why this is important to us during the GMM calculations, how could we ran into this issue? First of all, we get this
0 covariance matrix above if the Multivariate Gaussian falls into one point during the iteration between the E and M step. This could happen if we have for instance a dataset to which we want to fit 3 gaussians but which actually consists only of two classes (clusters) such that loosely speaking, two of these three gaussians catch their own cluster while the last gaussian only manages it to catch one single point on which it sits. We will see how this looks like below. But step by step:
Assume you have a two dimensional dataset which consist of two clusters but you don't know that and want to fit three gaussian models to it, that is c = 3. You initialize your parameters in the E step and plot the gaussians on top of your data which looks smth. like (maybe you can see the two relatively scattered clusters on the bottom left and top right):
Having initialized the parameter, you iteratively do the E, T steps. During this procedure the three Gaussians are kind of wandering around and searching for their optimal place. If you observe the model parameters, that is
μc and
πc you will observe that they converge, that it after some number of iterations they will no longer change and therewith the corresponding Gaussian has found its place in space. In the case where you have a singularity matrix you encounter smth. like:
Where I have circled the third gaussian model with red. So you see, that this Gaussian sits on one single datapoint while the two others claim the rest. Here I have to notice that to be able to draw the figure like that I already have used covariance-regularization which is a method to prevent singularity matrices and is described below.
Ok , but now we still do not know why and how we encounter a singularity matrix. Therefore we have to look at the calculations of the
ric and the
cov during the E and M steps.
If you look at the
ric formula again:
ric=πcN(xi | μc,Σc)ΣKk=1πkN(xi | μk,Σk)
you see that there the
ric's would have large values if they are very likely under cluster c and low values otherwise.
To make this more apparent consider the case where we have two relatively spread gaussians and one very tight gaussian and we compute the
ric for each datapoint
xi as illustrated in the figure:
So go through the datapoints from left to right and imagine you would write down the probability for each
xi that it belongs to the red, blue and yellow gaussian. What you can see is that for most of the
xi the probability that it belongs to the yellow gaussian is very little. In the case above where the third gaussian sits onto one single datapoint,
ric is only larger than zero for this one datapoint while it is zero for every other
xi. (collapses onto this datapoint --> This happens if all other points are more likely part of gaussian one or two and hence this is the only point which remains for gaussian three --> The reason why this happens can be found in the interaction between the dataset itself in the initializaion of the gaussians. That is, if we had chosen other initial values for the gaussians, we would have seen another picture and the third gaussian maybe would not collapse). This is sufficient if you further and further spikes this gaussian. The
ric table then looks smth. like:
As you can see, the
ric of the third column, that is for the third gaussian are zero instead of this one row. If we look up which datapoint is represented here we get the datapoint: [ 23.38566343 8.07067598]. Ok, but why do we get a singularity matrix in this case? Well, and this is our last step, therefore we have to once more consider the calculation of the covariance matrix which is:
Σc = Σiric(xi−μc)T(xi−μc)
we have seen that all
ric are zero instead for the one
xi with [23.38566343 8.07067598]. Now the formula wants us to calculate
(xi−μc). If we look at the
μc for this third gaussian we get [23.38566343 8.07067598]. Oh, but wait, that exactly the same as
xi and that's what Bishop wrote with:"Suppose that one of the components of the mixture
model, let us say the
j th
component, has its mean
exactly equal to one of the data points so that
μj=xn for some value of
n" (Bishop, 2006, p.434). So what will happen? Well, this term will be zero and hence this datapoint was the only chance for the covariance-matrix not to get zero (since this datapoint was the only one where
ric>0), it now gets zero and looks like:
Consequently as said above, this is a singular matrix and will lead to an error during the calculations of the multivariate gaussian.
So how can we prevent such a situation. Well, we have seen that the covariance matrix is singular if it is the
0 matrix. Hence to prevent singularity we simply have to prevent that the covariance matrix becomes a
0 matrix. This is done by adding a very little value (in
sklearn's GaussianMixture this value is set to 1e-6) to the digonal of the covariance matrix. There are also other ways to prevent singularity such as noticing when a gaussian collapses and setting its mean and/or covariance matrix to a new, arbitrarily high value(s). This covariance regularization is also implemented in the code below with which you get the described results. Maybe you have to run the code several times to get a singular covariance matrix since, as said. this must not happen each time but also depends on the initial set up of the gaussians.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import style
from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
# 0. Create dataset
X,Y = make_blobs(cluster_std=2.5,random_state=20,n_samples=500,centers=3)
# Stratch dataset to get ellipsoid data
X = np.dot(X,np.random.RandomState(0).randn(2,2))
class EMM:
def __init__(self,X,number_of_sources,iterations):
self.iterations = iterations
self.number_of_sources = number_of_sources
self.X = X
self.mu = None
self.pi = None
self.cov = None
self.XY = None
# Define a function which runs for i iterations:
def run(self):
self.reg_cov = 1e-6*np.identity(len(self.X[0]))
x,y = np.meshgrid(np.sort(self.X[:,0]),np.sort(self.X[:,1]))
self.XY = np.array([x.flatten(),y.flatten()]).T
# 1. Set the initial mu, covariance and pi values
self.mu = np.random.randint(min(self.X[:,0]),max(self.X[:,0]),size=(self.number_of_sources,len(self.X[0]))) # This is a nxm matrix since we assume n sources (n Gaussians) where each has m dimensions
self.cov = np.zeros((self.number_of_sources,len(X[0]),len(X[0]))) # We need a nxmxm covariance matrix for each source since we have m features --> We create symmetric covariance matrices with ones on the digonal
for dim in range(len(self.cov)):
self.pi = np.ones(self.number_of_sources)/self.number_of_sources # Are "Fractions"
log_likelihoods = [] # In this list we store the log likehoods per iteration and plot them in the end to check if
# if we have converged
# Plot the initial state
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(111)
for m,c in zip(self.mu,self.cov):
c += self.reg_cov
multi_normal = multivariate_normal(mean=m,cov=c)
mu = []
cov = []
R = []
for i in range(self.iterations):
# E Step
r_ic = np.zeros((len(self.X),len(self.cov)))
for m,co,p,r in zip(self.mu,self.cov,self.pi,range(len(r_ic[0]))):
mn = multivariate_normal(mean=m,cov=co)
r_ic[:,r] = p*mn.pdf(self.X)/np.sum([pi_c*multivariate_normal(mean=mu_c,cov=cov_c).pdf(X) for pi_c,mu_c,cov_c in zip(self.pi,self.mu,self.cov+self.reg_cov)],axis=0)
# M Step
# Calculate the new mean vector and new covariance matrices, based on the probable membership of the single x_i to classes c --> r_ic
self.mu = []
self.cov = []
self.pi = []
log_likelihood = []
for c in range(len(r_ic[0])):
m_c = np.sum(r_ic[:,c],axis=0)
mu_c = (1/m_c)*np.sum(self.X*r_ic[:,c].reshape(len(self.X),1),axis=0)
# Calculate the covariance matrix per source based on the new mean
# Calculate pi_new which is the "fraction of points" respectively the fraction of the probability assigned to each source
# Log likelihood
log_likelihoods.append(np.log(np.sum([k*multivariate_normal(self.mu[i],self.cov[j]).pdf(X) for k,i,j in zip(self.pi,range(len(self.mu)),range(len(self.cov)))])))
fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax1 = fig2.add_subplot(111)
for r in np.array(R[-1]):
def predict(self):
# PLot the point onto the fittet gaussians
fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax2 = fig3.add_subplot(111)
for m,c in zip(self.mu,self.cov):
multi_normal = multivariate_normal(mean=m,cov=c)
EMM = EMM(X,3,100)