На прикладі @ Петра є два елементи, які можуть бути корисні для роз'єднання:
(1) Неправильна специфікація моделі. Моделі
, де &zi=√wi=yixi−−√ , не може бути істинним. Якщо ви повторно висловлюєте кожного у відповіді іншого, вони стають нелінійними в параметрах, з гетерокедастичними помилками.zi=xi−−√
It is indeed a function of z.
Following through the example ...
x <- rnorm(100, 20, 2)
y <- rnorm(100, 20, 2)
w <- (y/x)^.5
z <- x^.5
wrong.model <- lm(w~z)
right.model <- lm(y~x)
x.vals <- as.data.frame(seq(15,25,by=.1))
names(x.vals) <- "x"
z.vals <- as.data.frame(x.vals^.5)
names(z.vals) <- "z"
lines(x.vals$x, predict(right.model, newdata=x.vals), lty=3)
lines(x.vals$x, (predict(wrong.model, newdata=z.vals)*z.vals)^2, lty=2)
legend("topright",legend=c("data","y on x fits","w on z fits", "truth"), lty=c(NA,3,2,1), pch=c(1,NA,NA,NA))
lines(z.vals$z,sqrt(predict(right.model, newdata=x.vals))/as.matrix(z.vals), lty=3)
lines(z.vals$z,predict(wrong.model, newdata=z.vals), lty=2)
lines(z.vals$z,(sqrt(20) + 2/(8*20^(3/2)))/z.vals$z)
legend("topright",legend=c("data","y on x fits","w on z fits","truth"),lty=c(NA,3,2,1), pch=c(1,NA,NA,NA))

Neither Model 1 nor Model 2 is much use for predicting y from x, but both are all right for predicting w from z: mis-specification hasn't done much harm here (which isn't to say it never will—when it does, it ought to be apparent from the model diagnostics). Model-2-ers will run into trouble sooner as they extrapolate further away from the data—par for the course, if your model's wrong. Some will gain pleasure from contemplation of the little stars they get to put next to their p-values, while some Model-1-ers will bitterly grudge them this—the sum total of human happiness stays about the same. And of course, Model-2-ers, looking at the plot of w against z, might be tempted to think that intervening to increase z will reduce w—we can only hope & pray they don't succumb to a temptation we've all been incessantly warned against; that of confusing correlation with causation.
Aldrich (2005), "Correlations Genuine and Spurious in Pearson and Yule", Statistical Science, 10, 4 provides an interesting historical perspective on these issues.