Не вдається ввійти до KDE або Gnome через SDDM після оновлення Ubuntu до 15.04


Я просто оновив Kubuntu до 15.04. Коли я перейду до графічного екрана входу SDDM, після того, як мій пароль буде прийнято, я отримаю заставку KDE з панеллю прогрессу завантаження, після чого вона стає близько 75% (показ "Починаючи версію 219", я вважаю, що це окрема версія проблема і може бути з моїми драйверами Nvidia) і скидає мене назад на екрані входу знову. Я можу увійти, якщо вибрати LXDE або Openbox як мій DE, але не KDE або Gnome.

я намагався це:

sudo apt-get install gdm (select sddm in the configuration dialog)
sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm (and select sddm again)
sudo apt-get remove gdm

я намагався sudo systemctl enable sddm.service -f

я намагався rm .cache/upstart -rf

я намагався apt-get install upstart-sysv замінити systemd.

Ось моя ~ / .xsession-error від запуску KDE. Можливо, суттєва лінія:

Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL

А ось хвіст

kscreen.kded: Config KScreen::Config(0xa514e0) is ready
kscreen.kded: Applying config
kscreen.kded: Calculating config ID for KScreen::Config(0xa514e0)
kscreen.kded: Part of the Id: "8081cf91009d8f3909800987c52a390b"
kscreen.kded: Config ID: "f94dcacbcbba492827e2007607e85a6a"
kscreen.kded: Applying ideal config
kscreen.kded: "DP1" Disabled
kscreen.kded: "DP2" Disabled
kscreen.kded: "DP3" Disabled
kscreen.kded: "HDMI1" Disabled
kscreen.kded: "HDMI2" Disabled
kscreen.kded: "HDMI3" Disabled
kscreen.kded: "VGA1" Disabled
kscreen.kded: "VIRTUAL1" Disabled
kscreen.kded: "DP-0" Disabled
kscreen.kded: "DP-1" Disabled
kscreen.kded: Connected outputs: 1
kscreen.kded: doApplyConfig()
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0                  <-- SEE HERE
kwin_x11: FATAL ERROR while trying to open display :0
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0
kdeinit5: PID 8009 terminated.
kdeinit5: PID 8008 terminated.
kdeinit5: PID 8010 terminated.
QXcbConnection: Failed to get the primary output of the screen
The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
QXcbConnection: Failed to get the primary output of the screen
The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
QXcbConnection: Failed to get the primary output of the screen
The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
kdeinit5: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit5: sending SIGHUP to children.
klauncher: Exiting on signal 1
kdeinit5: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit5: Exit.
QXcbConnection: Failed to get the primary output of the screen
The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
Unexpected response from KInit (response = 0).
startkde: Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation.
Error: Can't open display: :0
Could not connect to D-Bus server: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-TcpGYkEBgY: Connection refused
startkde: Shutting down...
kdeinit5_wrapper: Warning: connect(/run/user/1000/kdeinit5__0) failed: : No such file or directory
Error: Can not contact kdeinit5!
startkde: Running shutdown scripts...
xprop: unable to open display ':0'
xprop: unable to open display ':0'
startkde: Done.
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/bin/kdeinit5 from kdeinit
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/bin/kdeinit5 directly

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